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    Applicant Data (Please Answer All Questions. Do Not Leave Any Blanks)


    Employment History


    Learning Institution

    Name & Location

    Years Attended

    Degree / Certification

    High School

    College / Vocational


    General Information (Please Answer All Questions. Do Not Leave Any Blanks)

    Acknowledgement & Agreement

    I certify that the answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if employed, any misrepresentations, omissions of facts or incomplete answers in any document will be cause for my immediate dismissal at any time without prior notice.

    I understand that, if employed my employment is not for a specific term and may be terminated by me or Company with or without notice or cause at any time. I further understand that no oral promise, employer policy, custom, business practice or other procedure (including the Employee Handbook or any other personnel manual) constitutes an employment contract or modification of the at-will employment relationship between me and the Employer.

    I authorize the Company to contact my prior employers, and other sources of information regarding my background, and I indemnify the Company and sources of information contacted and agree to hold all harmless from any claims arising from information obtained through this authorization and direction.

    I understand that this application will be considered active for thirty-calendar days from this date. If I have no heard from the Company at the conclusion of the thirty-calendar day period, it is my responsibility to complete a new application if I wish to be considered for employment.


    The Company and all affiliates is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against otherwise qualified applicants on the basis of any category protected by or prohibited by federal, state, or local law. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, it is our policy to provide reasonable accommodation upon request during the application process to eligible applicants in order that they may be given a full and fair opportunity.

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